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Designer Giuseppe Bavuso, année 2016

Comme son nom l’indique, Globe offre tous les avantages d’une table ronde, de l’absence d’angles à la « démocratisation » de la conversation entre les convives. Globe est un meuble particulièrement décoratif grâce à des matériaux de haute qualité qui composent le plan de la table, au choix entre l’élégance du marbre et la légèreté du verre fumé.


Structure en frêne massif verni ou en
noyer italien massif. Plateau en marbre ou en verre fumé.


La qualité certifiée du Made in Italy Alivar, faite de traitements traditionnels et de matériaux prestigieux, devient la valeur d’un mobilier où le style est une une expérience concrète, une collection née de la créativité formelle et de la sensibilité pour la matière, un voyage dans la beauté de l’espace contemporain.


White “Calacatta”marble

White “Michelangelo” marble

Grey “Oriente” marble

Brown “Emperador” marble

Black “Marquinia” marble

“Green Alpi” marble

Calacatta Black

Marbre “Calacatta Black »

White “Calacatta”marble

White “Calacatta”marble
Origin : Tuscany, Italy
Very precious, Calacatta is a white marble characterized by large veins of warm gray shades of light color, coming from Tuscany.

White “Michelangelo” marble

White “Michelangelo” marble
Origin : Tuscany, Italy
Statuary White is a crystalline white calcareous marble with grey veins; of Tuscan origin.

Grey “Oriente” marble

Grey “Oriente” marble
Origin : Tunisia
Grigio Oriente is a very homogeneous dark grey marble, with lighter coloured horizontal stripes, with dark spots and eventually even red veins.

Brown “Emperador” marble

Brown “Emperador” marble
Origin : Spain
A brown-colored spotted marble with various shades of brown and white veins. It is quarried in Spain and can be light or dark.

Black “Marquinia” marble

Black “Marquinia” marble
Origin : Spain
Nero Marquina marble is sourced from the iberian peninsula and is black with marked white and silver veining that creates a dramatic pattern on the surface. It is a natural material and is best used indoors, in areas with mild climates.

“Green Alpi” marble

“Green Alpi” marble
Origin : Valle d’Aosta, Italy
Verde Issorie is a prized Italian marble quarried in the Valle d’Aosta area; it is distinguished by variegated shades of green and black, punctuated by tiny white dots.

Calacatta Black

Marbre “Calacatta Black »

Marbre noir « Calacatta Black »



“Oak”–stained ash

Grey–stained ash

Wengé–stained ash

Heat–treated stained ash

Black ash

“Oak”–stained ash

“Oak”–stained ash

Grey–stained ash

Grey–stained ash

Wengé–stained ash

Wengé–stained ash

Heat–treated stained ash

Heat–treated stained ash

Black ash

Black ash


“Italian” walnut

“Italian” walnut

“Italian” walnut

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